Our family saw the original Lego movie on Valentine’s three or four years ago so it was appropos that we saw the Lego Batman Movie for 2017 Valentine’s Day.
Now I don’t have any particular fondness for Batman. I have probably seen most Batman movies except for the Dark Knight series. And my guess is that if you are a super-fan of Batman, you will be a super-fan of this movie. But you don’t need to be a fan-boy or fan-girl to get a lot of laughs.
The movie is a barrage of pop culture call-outs and homages to movie villains. My favorite was Voldemort (voiced by Eddie Izzard) who uses magic to try to defeat Batman and his crew. A clever twist is that Ralph Fiennes who played Voldemort in the Harry Potter movies, plays Afred the Butler. So cute.
In this version of Batman, he must face his fear of being alone and having a family. He unwittingly adopts Dick Grayson (voiced by Michael Cera) while fawning over the new Police Commissioner Barbara Gordon. Dick morphs into Robin and Barbara into Batgirl. Along with Alfred, this team/family takes on a whole host of bad guys including Joker (who just wants to be Batman’s one true enemy).
It was sweet and cute and I’m a sucker for adoption stories. Our family gives it ten thumbs up.

Aimee Gromowsky
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