Ask Aimee: I Got an Accident Ticket – Am I Automatically at Fault?

Q. I was backing out of a parking space when another car sped through the lot and hit me. The officer gave me a ticket for improper backing, but the other driver was too fast. How do I fight it?

A: Car accidents are stressful enough, and getting a ticket on top of it can feel like the final nail in the coffin. But here’s something most people don’t realize: just because you got a ticket doesn’t necessarily mean you’re legally at fault for the accident.

 Missouri follows a comparative fault system, which means blame can be split between multiple drivers. Maybe you rolled a stop sign, but the other driver was speeding. Maybe you were cited for “following too closely,” but the car ahead slammed on their brakes without warning. In these cases, fault isn’t always black and white—and neither is how it affects insurance claims or potential lawsuits.

A Ticket After an Accident is Serious, but It’s Not an Automatic Guilty Verdict.

That said, the real danger of an accident ticket isn’t just the fine—it’s what it can do to your insurance rates. Depending on the violation, your premiums could spike, adding up to hundreds (or even thousands) of dollars over time. This is why some people choose to fight their ticket in court, especially if the citation could make them seem more at fault than they really were.

 So, what’s the takeaway? A ticket after an accident is serious, but it’s not an automatic guilty verdict. If you find yourself in this situation, it’s worth looking at all your options before just paying the fine and moving on.

 Ever been in this spot before? Let’s talk about it.

Aimee Gromowsky

Aimee Gromowsky is formerly an Assistant Prosecuting Attorney for Jackson County and currently a private practice lawyer. Ms. Gromowsky handles thousands of cases in Kansas City, Missouri area courts and was honored with a “Best in Bar” award in 2007 and 2008 from the Kansas City Business Journal. As a Kansas City traffic lawyer, Aimee is determined to represent you in your case by providing exceptional legal counsel and service.

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