Kansas City’s April 8th election will be here before you know it. I wanted to dive into some key issues on the
It's True...
You never expect the unthinkable to happen...
It was a dark day in August of 2005 when I got a call from my mother. My dad had a heart attack and the paramedics were on the way. My husband & I hurried to their home as the paramedics were loading my dad into an ambulance. My mom jumped in our car and we followed the ambulance to the Emergency Room. It was not long until the doctors appeared to let us know how dire the situation. They stated his heart attack was akin to him being underwater for more than ten minutes.
Although they had resuscitated him, it was clear that he would not survive outside of being hooked up to machines.
There are many times in my life I was grateful for how organized my parents were. This tops the list. They had done the planning and discussed the unthinkable. The next steps we had to take were the steps my dad laid out he wanted us to take. No consternation, no wobbling, just follow his instructions. Like we had done many times before.
Hi, I'm Aimee
My services include drafting wills, trusts, living wills, power of attorney and other Estate Planning tools and documents. I also help people when they need to go through probate and when they need help administering a trust. Of course, I still handle traffic tickets.
Estate Planning: https://aimeetheattorney.com/estateplanning
Trust Administration https://aimeetheattorney.com/trustadminstration
-Every adult needs an estate plan.
-Estate plans should be affordable.
-Everyone should feel satisfied when their plan is complete.
I apply my experience, knowledge and listening skills to help you find creative solutions for your estate planning goals.
Get in touch today to get your plan started
I have been a community organizer in Chicago Illinois and an Assistant Prosecutor right here in Jackson County, Missouri. I opened my law firm in 2007 - the same week I became a mother! I initially focused on traffic and minor criminal but have turned my focus towards Estate Planning.
I received my J.D. from the University of Missouri-Kansas City in 1999 and my Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences from the University of North Texas in 1992.
I am married to Steve Gromowsky, the owner of Almar Printing in Waldo. We have three children, Dayvon, Katy, and Jaylen. We are lucky to have three very special parents who have helped us in uncountable ways. Steve & I love to travel and hope to do that full-time in the future.